~J is for Joyful~
*DISCLOSURE: The following posting may contain angst-ridden and seemingly "dramatic" rantings, but bear with me
Life has so many different challenges for each and every one of us. As each day continues, there are more and more ways that we forget to find our blessings in the details. We compare ourselves and our situations, but what it really comes down to is the fact that we are all blessed so differently, and all that is necessary now is to figure out how to best appreciate that. Some of our blessings have been present since the beginning, like life and food and shelter, whereas others come daily, such as friends, adventures, and conversations. Another aspect that has become apparent to me only recently, is that we ourselves are sent to be blessings for those around us. Sometimes we need the reminders, though.
Too often we underestimate ourselves and our capabilities, and are constantly putting ourselves down in every respect. To be completely honest, I am sick and tired of being told "you are too hard on yourself," or "you think too much." My quick response is often to think or even say "I KNOW." HOWEVER, acknowledgment is the first step in a process of building self-esteem and confidence back. In the spirit of resolutions in this new year, I am taking part in a process that I am just calling 365 Affirmations. Each day I am focusing on ONE word that I find is a positive trait or descriptive word that I find in myself. All of the words go in alphabetical order, and just so you know, you can get through the alphabet 14 times in the span of 364. The word will be written at the top of every day in my planner, as well as eventually on a card placed in a jar at the end of the day. The whole purpose of this "exercise" is to find ONE good thing about myself (and others) that I can focus all of my energy into for that day. By placing the word in a jar at the end, it is "retiring" the word, which can be looked at when needed. As I mentioned, you can go completely through the alphabet 14 times in 364 days, with the intention then on New Year's Eve of 2014, I will pick a random word out of the jar, and that will be my final affirmation.
I understand and acknowledge that this may seem like a desperate grab for attention or drama. That may be true, but also there has been so much cabbage-ing (long story) joy in the last week working with this process, that I want to make it clear that yes, I fight depression regularly, and that I am working my gosh darn hardest to improve things. My only challenge to those who may read this even once is: I've made my move and found my joy, now how about you?
Be an Optimist Prime, not a Negatron. ~MWAH <3
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